
Come to Your Senses — at Sitka!

Let's write together — in the lush green forest where river meets sea, meets creative exploration. 

Come to Your Senses
A Writing Workshop with Drew Myron

Sitka Center for Art and Ecology
in Neskowin, Oregon
Saturday, June 15, 2013
10am - 4pm
Cost: $70

About the Workshop:
Writing comes alive with the detail our senses provide. Exploring the senses of touch, taste and smell, we'll focus on fresh writing with prompts and practices designed to energize and inspire. From poetry to prose, fact to fiction, this interactive workshop will serve as a creative springboard from which you'll generate new work, meet other writers, and share experiences that will help shape, shift and sharpen your writing. This workshop is open to adult writers of all levels, experience and genres.

About the Instructor:
Drew Myron is the author of "Thin Skin," a collection of photos and poems. She frequently collaborates with artists and her work has appeared in galleries, books and literary journals. As a journalist, Drew has covered news, arts, entertainment and travel for AOL’s “CityGuide,” “Northwest Best Places” and other publications. She heads DCM, a marketing communications company. She is writing instructor at Seashore Family Literacy, and the creator and host of "Off the Page," an annual reading event featuring Oregon writers.

Register now, here.


Poetry Month in Roseburg!

How will you celebrate National Poetry Month? Join me and An Association of Writers in Roseburg, Oregon. In this relaxed and supportive session, we'll chat & write & share our work.

Monday, April 8, 2013
11:15 - 12pm
at Mercy Community Education
2459 Stewart Parkway, Roseburg

An Association of Writers (AAW), located in Roseburg, Oregon, is a writing group offering fellowship, feedback and forums. Membership is open to writers of all genres, including fiction, poetry, songwriting, scripwriting and more. For more info, go to An Association of Writers on Facebook



Shelter: A Writing Workshop

Join us for a special week of reading & writing games and activities at Seashore Family Literacy.

Monday, February 11 — Friday, February 15, 2013
3:30 - 5:30pm
For ages 8 to 18

In conjunction with Shelter Me, an awareness art project, students will explore the themes of comfort and home. The free, week-long workshop is led by writer Drew Myron, and takes place at Seashore Family Literacy, 125 NW Spruce St., in Waldport, Oregon.

No writing experience or expertise is necessary — just a desire to express!

To register, contact: Senitila McKinley, Seashore director, 541-563-7323.



Sticks, Stones, Shore

Sticks, Stones, Shore: Explore Place Through Poems & Prose
A one-day writing workshop with Drew Myron

Sitka Center for Art and Ecology in Neskowin, Oregon
Sunday, July 15, 2012
10am - 4pm

Through walks, talks and nature-rich meanderings, we'll explore place — both emotional and physical.

From poetry to prose, fact to fiction, the focus is on fresh writing with prompts and practices designed to inspire and energize. Participants will generate new work in an encouraging and serene setting.

This workshop will serve as a creative springboard, providing opportunity to meet other writers and share experiences that will help shape, shift and propel your own writing.

Workshop is open to writers of all levels, experience & interests, age 16 and older.

Cost: $65

Learn more, and register here.



The Smell of Fish and Foam


The Smell of Fish and Foam

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
7 - 8:30pm

Writers-on-Writing Workshop

Willamette Writers - Oregon Coast
Newport, Oregon Public Library

Dear friend, you were right: the smell of fish and foam

and algae makes one green smell together. It clears

my head. It empties me enough to fit down in my own

skin for a while, singleminded as a surfer.

- from A Few Lines from Rehoboth Beach by Fleda Brown

Writing comes alive with the detail our senses provide. Exploring the sense of smell, we’ll focus on fresh writing with prompts and practices designed to energize and inspire.

From poetry to prose, fact to fiction, this interactive workshop will serve as a creative springboard from which you’ll generate new work, meet other writers, and share experiences that will help shape, shift and propel your own writing.

This workshop is free and open to writers of all ages and experience.

About the Instructor
Drew Myron is a former newspaper reporter and editor who has covered news, arts, entertainment and travel for AOL, Northwest Best Placesand other publications. For 14 years, she’s headed DCM, a marketing communications company. Drew’s poems appear in a variety of books and journals. Her most recent work, Sweet Grief: Paintings & Poems on Love & Loss, is an art exhibit and book now showing at Windermere Gallery in Seal Rock, Oregon. She is writing instructor at Seashore Family Literacy, and the creator and host of Off the Page, an annual reading event featuring Oregon writers.