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Landscape as Metaphor

Absence, photo by Drew Myron


Keeping Things Whole

In a field

I am the absence

of field.

This is

always the case.

Wherever I am

I am what is missing.


When I walk

I part the air

and always

the air moves in   

to fill the spaces

where my body’s been.

We all have reasons

for moving.

I move

to keep things whole.


— Mark Strand


I have absence on my mind. A sort of seamlessness. Land meets sky with no distinction. Someone called this blur an ordinary loneliness.

Somewhere is a center, then a horizon as a single grounding line — of fence or hill or endlessness — holding us in or keeping us out. I'm not sure which. 

As often happens, I discover a poem that holds what I feel but can't articulate. Poem as map, as landmark, as grounding and center. Thank you Mark


Tell me, what's in your (emotional, physical, mental) landscape?



Reader Comments (3)

I am longing for “the new green of spring” and see a bit of it in the leafless trees today. Thanks for asking.

February 23, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

I love that last line.

February 23, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Ann -- I like your ability to "see." :)

Lisa -- I like it too: "I move to keep things whole."

Thanks for reading & responding.

February 24, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterDrew

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