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Reasons to hang on

Hey there, sunshine!

Yes, winter is gray and gloomy.
Yes, competition is fierce.
Yes, creating can bear periods of great ache . . . but light shines. In this darkness, a few reasons to hang on:

Lucille Broderson
In her 60s, she picks up a pen, takes a class, and begins to write. And now, at 94, Lucille Broderson publishes a poetry collection that has been hailed as a "magnificent achievement." But You're Wearing a Blue Shirt the Color of the Sky is not chocked with cute little-old-lady poems, but with deep, direct poems on aging, children, husbands, and more.

William Stafford
One of America's most prolific poets, William Stafford wrote more than 50 books in his 79 years — and his first book wasn’t published until he was 46. He kept a daily journal for 50 years, and composed nearly 22,000 poems, of which roughly 3,000 were published. He taught at Lewis and Clark College for 30 years, was Oregon’s Poet Laureate, and earned a National Book Award.

David Biespiel
Every Writer Has a Thousand Faces, by David Biespiel, comes with an all-inclusive invitation: "for writers, artists, musicians, dancers and anyone else who leads a creative life." The book is just $10 (much cheaper than therapy) and offers critical insights into the creative process. It's a quick, lifting read that left me feeling a little less blue, and a lot more eager, about my writing life. 


Reader Comments (2)

Thanks for the inspiration. Here's some more that I read on The Rumpus yesterday: "Your book has a birthday. You don't know what it is yet." (from the "Sugar" advice column)

February 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

That's good, Molly. I like it. And thanks so much for telling me about Lucille.

February 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdrew

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