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Thankful Thursday: Bok Choy

Why wait 'til November? 

Because gratitude begets appreciation, which creates joy, I'm making every Thursday a day of thanks. Let the gratitude begin! 

On this Thursday, I give thanks for: 

Bok Choy and Beets
I've always wondered what to do with these dark, colorful jewels of nature. Thanks to an abundance of veggies from Gathering Together Farm, I am sauteing up a storm of fresh food. A weekly share of farm-fresh goods saves me from my usual routine of taste-less, nutrition-less plastic bag salad.

June Gloom
I'm not really thankful for this oppressive Juneary weather we're having on the Oregon Coast but the static gray skies have coaxed me to write (too many) pages bemoaning our summer-less weather. While the poems may be dreadful, the act of writing is good exercise. Surely some 'good' stuff will emerge from this muck.   

This Emotional Life
This fascinating PBS series explores our brains and how we handle love, fear, attachment and more. And I am thankful to Netflix, which continually connects me to fresh films and ideas. 

The Ten Year Nap
How did I miss this novel when it was published in 2008? I fell upon the book last week and can't put it down. I read it in the bathtub, while waiting for my car's oil change, and late into the night. The Ten Year Nap, by Meg Wolitzer, is a rich, observant and layered examination of four women as they struggle through mid-life marriage, family and choices. 

Please join me in Thankful Thursday. For what do you give thanks today? 

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