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Sometimes a paragraph, a line, or a passage is enough to carry the whole.

A recent news-feature in the Oregonian has stayed with me for days. I don't usually care for first-person news stories (too much reporter, not enough story) but in a piece about emergency food pantries, writer Inara Verzemnieks poetically replaced data with humanity to deftly capture the core of ache:

As I restock bags of beans, I can hear her voice, raw and sustained, outside the door, wondering what she will do now, and I think about how at certain times in our lives, it's the aggregate of little things that threaten to crush us. But that also means, as trite as it sounds, it's an aggregate of little things that might also carry us through.

Read the full story here.

Reader Comments (2)

Your blog just rocks, Drew!


September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEliza

Thanks Eliza!

I sure appreciate you tunin' in.

September 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdrew

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