The road from resistance to revelry is a long and winding route.

I think it’s in bad taste to toot your own horn. I like a soft piano, in a dim room. I’m not crazy about parades.

Still I understand the need for presence, for promotion. In fact, much of my work is publicity and promotion — see Words at Work. I give voice to small business, big business, to haves and have-nots, with an emphasis on hunger, homelessness, literacy, and health.

When I'm not writing for work, I'm writing for fun — writing poetry, leading workshops, and sharing my love of, and gratitude for, words. See Events

Thanks for joining me here, in this quiet place of thoughts and ideas.

And so, let’s go. Not with the thunder of the self-absorbed, but in the same careful way a single line, when spoken softly, carries great weight.